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File 166383398072.png - (940.75KB , 1409x866 , cedarridge1.png )
1044452 No. 1044452 ID: ab70bc

Early autumn is pleasant in Cedar Ridge. Summer's hottest days are behind you and the shade of the Douglas fir trees that blanket the town keep the underbrush cool.

North of the lake that divides the town are sets of woods. Interrupted only by mud roads and storm drains that rarely see use outside of the rainy season. This grove is only a mile from the town's one high school. Frequented by teens and alcoholics alike for bonfire parties that leaves the smell of ash in the air. This far east into Oregon the breeze is warm and sluggish, trapped in by mountain ranges.

From where you stand you can hear when the occasional truck passes through Cedar Ridge's main road. Barely. It helps you keep your facing when you're unsure which way is home.

You are in the north in the outskirts of town.
362 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1084475 ID: ab70bc
File 170883430024.png - (116.95KB , 1196x991 , Rileyquest 79.png )

It's not going on your ring finger, because that would mean you're married to the bird and that's weird. You don the ring on your middle finger in case it buffs your bird flipping powers.

The ring doesn't seem to do anything and as far as you can tell your hand is still totally visible. It's a bit loose, but you'll wear it for a while in case it gives you super powers or something.

+1 warm gold ring
No. 1084476 ID: ab70bc
File 170883434289.png - (614.61KB , 1530x1997 , Rileyquest 80.png )

Whatever's got the cops interested is one building over beside Mrs Nora's carpet store.
Oh hey, there she is. Hello Mrs Nora! It's probably a good idea not to piss her off if you're hiding from the police.

How do we want to make this trivial jump?
No. 1084480 ID: af7615

No. 1084481 ID: 7c55ad

Well, you're going to have to distract her first before she witnesses you making the jump and then alert the cops.

Why does flashing her to make her faint seem to be popping up in my mind as a distraction? We'll use that as a last resort. for now, offer the crow your pencil (you got a sharpie, you don't need a pencil anymore) and ask it to fly into her window and distract her.

To get across, can we remove a long enough piece of lumber to use as a bridge? if not, I guess just take several steps back, then make a mad dash and jump across. You should be athletic enough, skater gurl.
No. 1084486 ID: 273c18

Do it like a ballet dancer.
No. 1084487 ID: 2f41db

First give mrs nora your brightest smile and show her your new ring.

Then its time to see if it buffs your leaping skill.
No. 1084488 ID: eb0a9c

Tell Miss Nora you'll climb down instead of leaping if she stares at your tits.
No. 1084495 ID: 8f9bc4

You don't want to marry the bird? That's not very crowmantic of you.
No. 1084518 ID: b8d5aa

>It's probably a good idea not to piss her off if you're hiding from the police.

> How do we want to make this trivial jump?

If she noticed you, give her a cheerful smile and wave. If she didn't, try to avoid getting her attention.

Take a running jump, vault off the ledge, and don't try to do a flip (that would be stupid) but do flex your arms in midair, posing for the briefest moment like a cool Amazon.
No. 1085245 ID: ab70bc
File 170950279371.png - (644.39KB , 1617x1459 , Rileyquest 81.png )

You successfully make the jump. It really wasn't that hard and you managed to avoid scraping your knees this time. As long as it doesn't require any strength it's safe to assume you can do anything moderately athletic.

Things have gotten a lot quieter, besides the wind in the trees and the cars a couple roads over it's silent.
And it's getting dark fast. If you don't get home soon you're going to be out without a source of light. Even for you that's kind of a bad idea, there are things in the woods at night.
No. 1085246 ID: ab70bc
File 170950284151.png - (308.63KB , 1072x851 , Rileyquest 82.png )

Between the two buildings is an arm, severed cleanly beneath the shoulder lying in a surprisingly small blood puddle.
You have good night vision and can make out the shape clearly but the detail is lost this far away. It feels familiar.

Your unnamed bird friend has disappeared and you are alone again. Suddenly the night feels very cold and you miss your jacket.
No. 1085247 ID: 75b262

It's only a hallucination, it's only a hallucination, it's only a hallucination!
No. 1085248 ID: 7c55ad

looks like someone needs a hand...

Anyways, this will be a cool thing to tell your friends when you get home.

Speaking of which, we made it across, now lets get down and take the path home before NOra rats you out to Nathan
No. 1085249 ID: 7c55ad

>You have good night vision and can make out the shape clearly but the detail is lost this far away. It feels familiar.

If it's familiar, and has gray fur, hopefully, it's not Debra's arm
No. 1085257 ID: 82842b

>there are things in the woods at night.
Spooky things? Is that arm gonna become The Thing(tm) from Addams Family hopefully?

>It feels familiar.
HOPEFULLY it isnt :V
No. 1085262 ID: 273c18

>severed arm, small blood puddle, suddenly cold
Ghost alert! Look around, listen carefully.
No. 1085273 ID: 2f41db

Am i imagining it or does that hand have a ring mark.
You know, like you get when you wear one a long time.
No. 1085276 ID: 8f9bc4

Wow that... sure is a dead body. Or part of one. Just like you wanted. To see.


Regret everything and go home and hide in your room.
No. 1085278 ID: b3eab7

Well, you were hurrying to meet your friends, right? Will you be able to stay the night?
No. 1085284 ID: b4b039

I went back and checked; Debra's remaining arm was indeed the right arm. No images clearly showed the spot where a ring would be, so unclear there. I hope it's not hers. :/
No. 1085972 ID: ab70bc
File 171004836714.png - (388.90KB , 1085x964 , Rileyquest 83.png )

You drop down into the alleyway onto a pile of dirt, the grass helps break the fall. It's easier to see the crime scene up close.

Oh fuck. That's a whole fucking arm. That's awesome?

You have good night vision and it looks like it could be Debra's; it's about the right size, the right fur color. It's also the right arm.
You notice a ring mark. You don't remember seeing a ring on her finger today?

It's gotta be that missing ring. The bird's swindled you into carrying part of the crime scene. Do you want to drop it and act like nothing happened or keep it?
You did pay for it...

Aw man you hope it's not Debra. Pour one out for the homies dude.
No. 1085974 ID: 75b262

This bird's incriminating us!

Unless they're actually helping us...

This is gonna sound crazy, but what would happen if we put the ring on the finger where the mark is?
No. 1085975 ID: 82842b

There IS one question that's not exactly solved though: Debra's or not, how's there a severed arm here?

Was it bitten off, ripped off, or cut off maybe?

Quick, check if there's a Peg where it'd attach to the body, is this a Jumbo Mrs Potato Head??

Is it Alive (in the zombie sense)?
No. 1085976 ID: 273c18

Poke the arm with a stick.
No. 1085977 ID: a7a180

Just turn around and go. You can find out what the police are looking at (an armless body?) later.
No. 1085978 ID: 7c55ad

do this
No. 1086001 ID: 2f41db

Your prints are all over it.

However if you get found with it you can at least tell the truth.
"I bought it off a bird while climbing on roofs looking for ghosts and a shortcut." Doesnt sound like something an escaped mental patient would say, right?

Maybe have a quick look around though.
I mean, how many murder scenes are you going to get a look at in your life?

Then be ready to hide if officer killjoy turns up.
No. 1086007 ID: 273c18

Her prints are on the quarter. It's a verifiable story!
No. 1086025 ID: f14228

Why would Debra's right arm be here? That's crazy! She wasn't wearing that ring earlier, so maybe it's someone else's just with her dimensions and fur color.

Or... hey! Could this be a prank? Check if the arm and blood if they're actually real! Poke poke!

And there's also too little of it, right? There should be a blood trail around if someone really got their arm lopped off here. Just arm + puddle o' blood is real weird. Like it just dropped to the ground - as if shed! - and whatever blood was in it pooled out.

Look about the crime scene more. Did you miss anything else? If not... well. If only you had a camera. But you also got places to be, people to meet. If nothing else comes up, it may be time to move on.
No. 1086026 ID: f14228

Ah, wait a minute. There IS a trail isn't there? A thin line of blood streaking off towards you. Not droplets. That's... super weird.
No. 1086027 ID: 8f9bc4

If it's Debra's arm, then there's no crime, right? Debra lost her arm a long time ago! She wasn't bleeding like this from her stump when you saw her on the swing. How could her arm be here? Now? And (uggh) fresh?
No. 1086033 ID: 7c55ad

well, there's one thing you can relax on if you get accused for murder: you have an alibi. Officer Murphy saw you hanging out at the restaurant before he got the call about something happening and leaving. The only thing you'd be guilty of is tampering with the crime scene, but that's like, whatever.
No. 1086124 ID: a3a6e9

Sorta weird, yeah

Nah, that's a crease in the arm

That's a good point; you can relax a LITTLE
No. 1086127 ID: 273c18

Oh right also the ring is too narrow to hold identifiable prints.

The main issue is that Mrs Nora saw us heading towards this location. What we SHOULD do is mail the ring to the cops, anonymously, with a typed explanation of how it was found. We also need to ask Mrs. Nora to not tell the cops we were here. And also find out if Debra is still alive.
No. 1086146 ID: 8f9bc4


Of course she's still alive! We saw her just earlier today! Wait—oh. Oh.
No. 1086151 ID: 2f41db

What if its the GHOST of her arm?

Better find a good poking stick, and poke away just to be sure.
No. 1086855 ID: ab70bc
File 171099966158.gif - (239.03KB , 560x560 , 3_19_24 Rileyquest arm poke.gif )

>put the ring on the finger
Ew, gross! You're not gonna touch it. It's cool but there's a line.

You poke it with a stick instead.

Yep that's definitely a real arm. No ghosts here. The wound doesn't look very gruesome, there aren't any obvious bite marks, it looks like it was cleanly torn off. And it's fresh but there there isn't much blood, so maybe it was moved here.
That's about all you can figure out.

You stop jabbing it when the sound of a woodpecker wakes you up. It's gotten dark and without your jacket you're already feeling the cold.
Getting home doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
No. 1086856 ID: ab70bc
File 171099969221.gif - (540.65KB , 800x513 , bird big.gif )

Before you can do anything the unnamed bird joins you once again.


The bird drops this spooky shit on you like it's no big deal, the streetlights flicker behind you.

It makes a weird noise like it's clearing its throat then surprisingly, continues. "THAT'S WEIRD, RIGHT?" It hops around on the arm a bit like he's trying to be disrespectful. "I KNOW YOUR MIND, I HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS. IS THIS THE RAT?"

The bird knows.


The little fuck looks you dead in the eyes.

No. 1086857 ID: a7a180

...Yeah okay eldritch enlightenment is probably worth ten bucks.
No. 1086858 ID: 273c18

Shit. You don't have that much on you. Tell it to follow you and you'll get the money.

You do have that much laying around somewhere, right?
No. 1086859 ID: 82842b

Damn, i thought the person who lost their arm was the one getting eviscerated...

Might as well though, that's like two Big Macs (alas).

Also contemplate the idea that this Crow may actually be some sort of Supernatural Being, and what rad powers he might have potentially
No. 1086860 ID: 72145a

I dont think we have 10 dollars, or anything worth 10 dollars, sooooooo... bye!
No. 1086864 ID: 273c18

Oh, is that some kind of mark in the pavement under the hand?
No. 1086867 ID: 2f41db

I think it's time to entertain the idea that you may be tripping balls.

Check your sewer cut hand Riley.
See if it's flaring up, itchy or otherwise odd.

Resist the temptation to poke the crow with your grade A poking stick.

If you havent got anything worth ten dollars try barter.
Maybe the stick will do.
It's a pretty rad stick.
No. 1086869 ID: 7c55ad

I think it's just a crack on the concrete. You can see other cracks like that on the floor in other panels too
No. 1086872 ID: f2320a

What about i give you a name as payment like "Mordicai"
No. 1086873 ID: 8f9bc4

It pretty obviously is Debra's arm, but it's not like you can reattach it or anything, right? The magpie is selling you what you already know!

You need to leave this place. Get home before it gets dark. The arm is not a ghost, so... time to forget this ever happened?

Oh, but you can give Debra back her ring, at least!
No. 1086875 ID: f14228

Stare it dead in the eye back and ask if it takes IOUs.
No. 1086904 ID: f2320a

Is this just the crow again in a diffrent guise?
No. 1088130 ID: ab70bc
File 171246316174.png - (108.29KB , 1080x680 , Rileyquest 86.png )

You check your hand. It looks pretty good actually! There isn't a sign there was ever a cut here, which is weird even for you.

There's an itch in your bones that makes you want to clench your fist, even when you scratch it the feeling won't go away.
It's like when your leg goes dead and you have to shake it a lot or when you hit your elbow on your chair.

"Dude what the fuck. Ten dollars is at least two Big Macs, and soda." You could dine like a king for that kind of money. It's outrageous.

The bird bows its wings. "I CAN WAIT. THERE IS NO DEADLINE ON WEALTH."
What a weird little dude. Maybe you can find him later when you're more loaded.
No. 1088131 ID: ab70bc
File 171246318967.gif - (154.71KB , 560x359 , Lights out.gif )

There are maybe a few people in town that are this old-lady-tiny whose arm this could be, and Debra's definitely the one most likely to get into wacky hijinks that involve losing an arm. It makes sense it'd be her.

Before you can jab the crow with your stick in hopes of a discount, the flickering lights fade out leaving you in the dark.
No. 1088132 ID: ab70bc
File 171246322150.png - (91.33KB , 1080x680 , Rileyquest 88.png )

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh that's so laaaaaaaame." Thankfully, you can see pretty well at night, at least when there's moonlight around. People get lost in the woods and things get w e i r d in the dark.

Checking out a crime scene was cool, now you can check 'poke a dead arm' off your bucketlist. You should probably figure out a way to get home though, you're cold and this bird sucks.

+30EXP for sneaking into a crime scene
You leveled up to Problem Sleuth
No. 1088133 ID: 82842b

Hmm, did time really pass that quickly actually?

Before you go (probably to band if you didnt completely miss it :V), be sure to ask if you can pick up like a snow cone/hamburger, is it free?

If yes, do it immediately. He might go Gwah (or Woo)...

Also consider that you're probably totally in something Spooky and/or Supernatural (good thing?)
No. 1088136 ID: 273c18

Alright start walking home. Stick to the streets for now. Quick pace.
No. 1088138 ID: 7c55ad

Guess it's too late for band practice. Ah well, time to go home.
No. 1088141 ID: f2320a

Definetly hamburger more filling the greasy vein clogging sort we cant waste money on frozen water and milk
No. 1088142 ID: 8f9bc4


Good point. You're going to want to watch your weight. It's starting to affect your climbing prowess. Need some healthy food to counteract that sweet bun.

It's a moot point really, the hamburger place and the soda fountain are both going to be closed this late at night.

...what kind of town turns out their street lights when it gets dark?
No. 1088144 ID: 7c55ad

oh yeah, as you leave, give the bird the bird and tell it, "smell ya later"
No. 1088151 ID: 2f41db

Hes got contacts in the local council electrical maintenance team!

Youre a problem sleuth instead of just a problem!
Good going riley!

Keep your stick and head home.
You can clack it along the fences you pass and you never know when youll find something in need of a good poking.
No. 1088169 ID: b8d5aa

Time for band practice. It's not too late for that, right? It would be super lame to ditch your friends when you said you'd be there. Besides, you need someone to tell about the cool severed arm you saw, you must be bursting to get that one out.
No. 1088178 ID: f2320a

Its more of a we literally cant waste money on anything thats not filling cant waste money on whats basically water mostly
No. 1089279 ID: ab70bc
File 171366246533.png - (100.80KB , 935x710 , Rileyquest 89.png )

You're not fat... right? You eat all your vegetables; burgers have onions, tomatoes, and pickles on them.
That's basically a salad.

You're probably still able to get home for band practice. Uh, probably? What time is it again?
You can grab some food on your way home but suddenly you're self conscious about your waistline.
No. 1089280 ID: f6a14f

Wh, just eat the sticky bun, and consider it your last treat before your diet.
No. 1089300 ID: 2f41db

You're not fat.
That's artistic beauty.
No. 1089301 ID: 273c18

If you want to lose weight the most impactful thing you can do is avoid sugary drinks. Drink water, it's good for you!
No. 1089310 ID: eb0a9c

Short answer: Yes you are fat, but yes you are also well-endowed and high-spirited, in quantities that are far above the norm.
No. 1089311 ID: f2320a

Just eat the treat you are pretty enough that it dont matter those bunny models have flat stomachs but they have no tits or ass and sort of look like guys but also they would not survive fall or the zombie apocalypse on kale and lettuce due to the cold and malnutrition
No. 1089317 ID: 8f9bc4

Do you not normally have those jelly rolls? Most people do. (Most raccoons do?) Like 90% of your body fat is your tits, anyway. Get food if you're hungry. (You have a sneaking suspicion you'll get a lot of advice how to eat strategically if you do.) If you're not hungry, just head home.
No. 1089323 ID: f2320a

Remember you need to also dehydrate and have dangerously low fat content for those movie abbs also not as noticable with alot of hair.
Also yeah so long as you are not under feed you should have a jelly roll its natural to have that amount minimum to protect organs and to have something when times get lean when migrating to a new hunting and gathering spots often along a river.
No. 1089356 ID: 66a97e

No you're not fat, your a pretty average weight all things considered.

Your doing just fine, and besides fuck societies rules and standards, since when did that matter?
No. 1090492 ID: ab70bc
File 171511179865.png - (290.42KB , 1620x1020 , Rileyquest 90.png )

Before you can continue prodding your insecurities a flash of light fries your retinas and you shriek like a little girl.

The bird, not wanting to be the one caught holding the proverbial drugs beats the scene immediately leaving you alone.
No. 1090493 ID: ab70bc
File 171511186364.png - (163.95KB , 747x644 , Rileyquest 91.png )

"FFFFFffffffffffffucking Riley. Why is it always you?"

This asshole over here gets all up in your business. All 'woof woof' and 'I'm the police'. You're very cool and collected in scary situations so you stand up to him.

"Don't shoot, I'm allergic to dying."
You immediately throw your hands up in surrender.

Nathan is too pissed off for your shenanigans. "What the fuck are you doing here? You're going to get me in so much trouble."

You're going to need to diffuse this situation or this could turn bad. Nathan used to be your friend, maybe you can talk it out? Or you can run away from your problems.
No. 1090497 ID: c5529d

Tell him he did a shitty job at investigating, you found a severed finger, a dubloon, and a ring on the roof, so you're a better detective than him! Nyah-nyah! :P

Also tell him he doesn't have to get in trouble if he tells nobody you were here
No. 1090499 ID: 5ebd37

Didn't you have somewhere to be? Tell him there's no problem here, you were just taking the short cut.
No. 1090500 ID: 273c18

Tell him you found evidence. A crow stole the ring off of the victim's finger. Also if he gives you 10 bux you can find out who the arm belongs to.
No. 1090504 ID: b8d5aa

Don't tell him anything, or admit anything. You're just on your way to band practice. Look, you're just going home, okay? Why is he making such a big deal about it?
No. 1090511 ID: a7a180

No. 1090519 ID: 2f41db

Tell him you didnt do it!

Ask him what the hell is going on here.
You were just taking a normal shortcut home and theres an arm on the floor.

He used to be your friend and even if hes decided to insert a nightstick up his ass for a career, you dont want to make life hard for him.

He was cool once.
Thats still gotta be buried somewhere.
No. 1090533 ID: eb0a9c

"I like jumping across rooftops, okay?! Now answer my question: why the @#$% is there a severed arm in an alleyway?!"

Act like you didn't know this was a crime scene. Your cover story: You were busy challenging yourself to jump across rooftops, and you fell while failing to make the bonus score gap. Then you freaked out in silence for a few minutes when you noticed the severed arm.
No. 1090560 ID: fef0ba

Your waistline is fine, don't even worry about it. Worry more about the severed arm holy shit-
This! Say hey, you found a finger on the roof and then you found the arm and ask if there's a fucked up serial killer or something.
No. 1090589 ID: f2320a

Oh yeah found a ring on the roof had to bribe a crow for it along with the severed finger but i think it belongs to that hand
No. 1090604 ID: 8f9bc4


The precious is ours you must not let them have it!!!
No. 1090620 ID: 7c0da2

Tell him you didn't do it, in fact you have no idea what it is. You didn't see, heard or took anything.
And you don't want to see him anymore than he wants to see you, you just want to get to your band practice. Why would you get him in trouble anyway ? It's not like you can make him any worse at his job.
No. 1091425 ID: ab70bc
File 171625406129.png - (336.55KB , 1261x995 , Rileyquest 92.png )

You tell him the truth, but keep the precious ring a secret. You paid for that, it's yours now.

"Ididn'tdoanything! It was like this when I got here."

Nathan doesn't respond, he needs a moment to deal.

"I was taking a shortcut back to Grant's place and I found an ARM. In the ALLEY." You gesture furiously at the arm, the shock value should be self evident.

"Riley you can't be here. If my dad finds out about this we're both dead." Nathan doesn't care about the arm so much as the prospect of getting in trouble.

"Whatever! Then forget you ever saw me, duh dude."

He's refusing to let you go and is blocking the way back to the street. "Did you do anything? You didn't move it did you? The camera guys aren't here yet and I'm fucked if you messed it up."

"No?" You lie. Like a liar. It looks like he doesn't believe you so you distract him in an attempt to cover it up. "A weird bird tried to sell me a finger. It talked! It said it knows whose arm this is!"

That catches him off guard; Nathan wants to talk about the bird but is too angry to let you derail the conversation. "Riley we know whose arm this is." He states the fact, but doesn't sound very confident saying it out loud. "This. Is a crime scene. Why shouldn't I arrest you right now?"
No. 1091426 ID: 4ee17d

Because I really didn’t mean to mess anything up!
No. 1091428 ID: 5ebd37

Cause then your dad will know you couldn't keep the crime scene safe.
No. 1091429 ID: 82842b

>Why shouldn't I arrest you right now?
Because it'd totally make things a bigger headache, like having to explain that she was there and how she got past you.

>Riley we know whose arm this is.
Whose IS it, anyways?
No. 1091431 ID: eb0a9c

This and remember to bounce your tits while you express yourself. Don't try to seduce him, just get hyper and forget the effects your fidgeting has on slabs of fat!
No. 1091437 ID: 8f9bc4

Because. If his dad. Finds out about this. You are both. Dead. He can't arrest you without his dad finding out. You're not a criminal, and if he knows this is Debra's arm, then you're not even a suspect. She lost it ages ago! So you'll just... channel your inner raccoon and sneak out of there, and go to band practice. You will talk with Nathan about it later.
No. 1091444 ID: fef0ba

"Because you're cool?"
>Tell him this even though he is not actually cool and is threatening to arrest you.
No. 1091456 ID: 273c18

Ask if it's your friend's.
No. 1091475 ID: 2f41db

Whose arm is it?

And this.

Then the "because youre cool."
Follow with "...well, i always thought you were"
Were going to try jiggling our emotions, not our ample chestage.

If he still wants to talk about that bird, offer to tell him later when youre both out of the see are eye emm eee scene and no one is getting in trouble.
No. 1091500 ID: b8d5aa

Why SHOULD he arrest you? You obviously didn't have anything to do with it. He'd just be wasting everyone's time. And making his dad mad.

What, are they going to charge you with trespassing for taking a shortcut through the alley? Get real.

The real reason he shouldn't do it though, is because he's just a really cool guy and wouldn't do that.

Whose arm is it, though?
No. 1092452 ID: 5c76ef
File 171756486382.png - (259.96KB , 1310x961 , Rileyquest 93.png )

Before you can make like a tree and get the fuck out of there Nathan grabs your wrist and wrests you from the dark alleyway back into the street.
"Dude, what the fuck?" You state the obvious: "Because asshole, if you take me to the station your dad will know you fucked up. AND I'll make it really annoying for you the WHOLE way."

Nathan understands this but isn't ready to give up control. "You know resisting arrest is something else I can arrest you for. You're only making it worse."

"AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaugh seriously dude, I used to think you were cool." It's true, but it doesn't phase him.

"If he finds out you were anywhere near here and I didn't tell him I might as well be dead. And I know from years of experience you can't keep your mouth shut."
You do have a reputation.
"What happened to the lights? Did you do this?" Nathan readies his flashlight and starts dragging you in the direction of the police station.

"What? Are you gonna blame everything on me now?" He didn't really think you could anyway and lets the question drop. But now you get to ask him one. "Whose arm is it then?"

"I don't have to tell you that; you're not police. And even if you were I wouldn't tell you."

"You're not police! You don't even have any handcuffs!" You flail at the hand pinching your bloodflow, he doesn't let go.
No. 1092453 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh no, it's the upper arm grab. You're doomed!
No. 1092458 ID: 9f8647

“Tell me whose arm it is, and I promise not to tell anyone I got past you into the crime scene!”
No. 1092459 ID: 273c18

Kick him in the jimmy.
No. 1092464 ID: 2f41db

"You dont know whose arm it is do you?" Then observe his reaction.
...the lights are out? Street and buildings?

Ah, nevermind.
You made a promise to be annoying all the way so...

Resisting arrest IS a crime buuut who said that means you have to assist?
Flump down on the floor and go full dead weight.
Let him drag you, carry you, whatever.
Passive resistance!
If its good enough for gandhi its good enough for riley.

As to kicking jimmies, lets retarget.
All the way while hes dragging or carrying.
Ask. "Whose arm is it" with the tone and persistance of a good old "are we there yet?"
Which you can throw in for funsies every so often.

Were going to kick his patience in the jimmies!
Lets see if we can make him groan in frustration.
Only so we can say "you sounded just like your dad then"
No. 1092468 ID: f2320a

You are hurting my wrist atleast hold my hands instead they are meant to hold things atleast
No. 1092587 ID: 8f9bc4

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