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File 169404244903.png - (858.87KB , 1411x1073 , Mech1.png )
1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1089481 ID: 8f9bc4

What's Project Deadline? Sounds ominous.

Wait no that's just the project deadline.
No. 1089676 ID: ed041d
File 171405210298.png - (22.80KB , 518x272 , Mech149.png )

You check out the Powerplant, it's an old nuclear reactor design, instead of anything alien. That's interesting, maybe they can't use alien power just yet? Maybe they're limited.

You'll note it down in case it becomes important, but you take note of the current status of the Reactor.

What do you want to do with this information?
No. 1089685 ID: 2c342c

I don't suppose you can make it meltdown from here. Makes a good target if you can get inside though.

What comes up under 'internals'?
No. 1089847 ID: ed041d
File 171423430085.png - (21.35KB , 518x272 , Mech150.png )

Making it melt down should be a possibility, this thing seems to be an autonomous platform so it'd probably have a remote meltdown.

Looking over the internals, you find several options for how to sabotage this thing, leaving you many options. You might want to pick soon, you're not certain how much longer you have.
No. 1089848 ID: 5ebd37

Drone cache may be our way in. See if you can open the drone's exit hatch from here.
No. 1089857 ID: 8f9bc4


Sneak in, remove the cooling rods, sneak out. Soon as they power it up, the whole thing will melt into radioactive slag, and you'll be long gone.
No. 1089970 ID: b3eab7

This, best sabotage if you can manage it.
No. 1089988 ID: ed041d
File 171440023795.png - (18.71KB , 518x272 , Mech151.png )

You operate the controls and get the drone cache to open, you should have a way into the Juggernaut Platform now.
No. 1089989 ID: ed041d
File 171440026557.png - (33.75KB , 323x191 , Mech152.png )

You however, hear a click and realize there's a guard behind you. What do you do?
No. 1090002 ID: 237edf

Drop and kick em in the knee. Get their gun away and get back in your mech.
No. 1090009 ID: 8f9bc4

Why isn't he shooting? Maybe you can talk your way out of it? Wait no, your mech is out there in plain sight. It's a... maintenance... construction... vehicle?
No. 1090070 ID: ed041d
File 171456931526.png - (24.56KB , 188x266 , Mech153.png )

You decide to engage with a dialogue, as they haven't shot you yet.

:GuardIcon: Who are you? Why is that unmarked mech here? What do you think you're doing?

You're gonna have to be smart here, what do you say to those questions?
No. 1090077 ID: eb0a9c

Quick, feign an internal lust detonator!

Shiver in place, screaming "NO, DON-", then drop on the floor and strip while you offer to suck his dick, apparently uncaring of the gun in your face.

While he's confused, tackle his legs and then grab the gun. Beat him unconscious or jab him with the barrel after firing.
No. 1090078 ID: 1effd3

"I'm here to test the facilities security measures. Command won't appreciate how easy it was to get in here, or with the lack of encryption on their new toy. Your commander is going to have one hell of a bad day after I make my report. I do commend that at least one soldier is capable of doing his job. What's your name soldier?"
No. 1090086 ID: b3eab7

Say you've been fighting those corporate invaders all day and are out of ammo. You went to the factory directly because something seems to have happened to the supply chain, it dried up.
No. 1090090 ID: 8f9bc4

Didn't he see the official company logo? It's only on one side of the mech.
No. 1090128 ID: 5ebd37

this, but act all exasperated and take him outside to see. that's when you knock him out.
No. 1090199 ID: ed041d
File 171474426451.png - (40.02KB , 411x262 , Mech154.png )


:PilotIconF: I'm here to test the facilities security measures. Command won't appreciate how easy it was to get in here, or with the lack of encryption on their new toy. Your commander is going to have one hell of a bad day after I make my report!

:GuardIcon: You're from command?!

:PilotIconF: Of course I am! Didn't you see the official logo on the mech? It's not hard to miss!

:GuardIcon: I am so sorry ma'am! I didn't see it, i-if you want we can go out and you can show it to me!

You've gotten into his head, what is your next course of action?
No. 1090258 ID: 5ebd37

Distraction. Don't give him time to think, direct his attention to the console. Quickly back out to the main menu, going through the other entries and how easily they could be used for sabotage. Why was this important console unguarded, hmm? Turn the console off while berating him on this lack of security.
No. 1090261 ID: 1effd3

don't berate him, tell him how his boss will get berated for this potential breach in security!
No. 1090379 ID: ed041d
File 171493301558.png - (34.07KB , 307x224 , Mech155.png )


:PilotIconF: This station is meant to be assembling the Juggernaut correct? Your commander is in some deep trouble, however you might be able to avoid that.

:GuardIcon: I-I will?

:PilotIconF: Yes, you will, you just need to do a little something for me.

This is your chance, what will you do?
No. 1090396 ID: d3e469

Freakin' judo chop!
No. 1090411 ID: 5ebd37

tell him he needs to stay here and monitor the console while you test the warning systems inside the super weapon.
No. 1090412 ID: 8f9bc4

Well you—oh.

No. 1090803 ID: ed041d
File 171555540964.png - (25.11KB , 239x190 , Mech156.png )

:PilotIconF: Keep watch over the monitor, I have to do an internal inspection of the Juggernaut. Can you handle that?

:GuardIcon: Y-Yes! Yes I can do that no problem!

Alright, he's in your palms, anything else you want to do or do you want to get in now?
No. 1090809 ID: 8f9bc4

Nope, more time spent means more can go wrong. Book it. Time to go uh, "test" their systems.
No. 1090810 ID: 5ebd37

Got to speed run this before he figures it out.
No. 1090826 ID: eb0a9c

Walk briskly, and use careful movements, but also rush said movements. If you sprint, he'll realize you're bluffing, but as long as you look like a disgruntled inspector who just had some grunt wave a gun in her face and wants to get this over with, you're good.
No. 1090940 ID: ed041d
File 171569900706.png - (16.15KB , 260x272 , Mech157.png )

With the juggernaut open, and the Guard handled, you move with purpose and reenter your mech. After that it's a simple journey into the mech.
No. 1090941 ID: ed041d
File 171569904212.png - (20.53KB , 275x169 , Mech158.png )

Inside the Juggernaut is relatively open, it really is unfinished, it gives you a clear look at the central reactor.

Here's your opportunity, what shall you do?
No. 1090943 ID: eb0a9c

Plant bomb. Run.
No. 1090956 ID: 5ebd37

Do we have any way to take the missiles out of our launcher? Pile them up around the reactor, then sabotage the coolant system. It heats up, they explode, and you have time to get far away.
No. 1090961 ID: b3eab7

Sabotaging the coolant system is #1 priority.

For extra irony, if some cooling system parts are of roughly similar shape and size as the missiles, you could do a little substitution...
No. 1091049 ID: ed041d
File 171586428678.png - (23.47KB , 289x185 , Mech159.png )

You activate the missile pod and slowly slide the missiles out, it's an arduous process but it works at the very least. You begin to pile them near the Reactor's control rods and coolant.

You have this under control, it'd be very easy to just... leave now. Do you want to? Is there anything else you want to do? How would you even get out of the factory?
No. 1091051 ID: 714fab

Better not tempt fate, time to leave

Wish we could bring the guard out with us, but he couldn't travel through the pipe safely
No. 1091203 ID: b3eab7

Just try and make the sabotage non-obvious (no leaving behind an open hatch that should be closed) then thank the other guy for his diligence and let's see how we leave.

Leaving the way we came in is probably the safest, but we could possibly get some intelligence if we leave by the main entrance. Main problem with that is... can we fake it? I fear we may need some IFF key.
Wait... could the IFF key be installed in the supertank's comms already? You should check it, that would make leaving so easier.
No. 1091219 ID: ed041d
File 171604370662.png - (14.42KB , 228x184 , Mech160.png )

Easy enough to just make it non obvious. Powerplant was already installed and you don't think the guard will say anything due to the threat to his "superior".

Grabbing an IFF unit wouldn't be too difficult, remember the Juggernaut is relatively empty at the moment, looking up you can even see a basic IFF transponder, perhaps a temporary unit to cover any automated security not accidentally attacking the weapon.

However this might make you register as something else, do you want to risk it?
No. 1091250 ID: 5ebd37

Even with the right transponder won't you still be visually out of place? You got lucky with the one guard, the rest might not be so foolish.
No. 1091283 ID: b3eab7

Let's leave the way we came in then. The less we're seen, the higher the chances of our sabotage to go undetected.
No. 1091284 ID: 273c18

What if you broke the IFF? Then automated security might attack the weapon...
No. 1091353 ID: ed041d
File 171622218193.png - (25.23KB , 385x183 , Mech161.png )

You opt to break the transponder and leave through the pipes, it'll be tight but you can pull this off.
No. 1091354 ID: ed041d
File 171622223142.png - (7.88KB , 225x153 , Mech162.png )

As you leave the Juggernaut, your systems alert you that you could detonate the missiles now. Do you want to do so, or shall you wait? You have only a minute to decide before the alarms go off when the transponder is pinged once more.
No. 1091355 ID: eb0a9c

Alert the guard that the project is a total failure - because it's about to explode. Everyone needs to run.
Don't mock him, let him think the prototype was so unstable that a routine stress test caused a nuclear meltdown.
No. 1091356 ID: 8f9bc4

W-why did you blow up the transponder? Now they'll inspect the juggarnaut and find the missiles! I guess... you might as well set them off, then? If they're going to be found anyway? Thought you were going to leave them until they activated the reactor's cooling mechanism.
No. 1091359 ID: b3eab7

You need the juggernaut started before you blow up its cooling system.

Maybe we can still bluff this. Like, tell the other guy we need to make it move. If the shooting starts, go "Oh crap, get it out of the hangar now"
No. 1091360 ID: 7f0864

Get your big mech face right up in the control room window and yell at him that it's all gone wrong. Quick run, save yourself!

I suppose it doesn't matter whether you let the reactor meltdown or just trigger the missles yourself, now that you're outside. Let's blow this joint
No. 1091567 ID: ed041d
File 171639109170.png - (23.99KB , 212x225 , Mech163.png )

You get out and alert the guard about the issues, leaving out the fact that you've sabotaged the reactor.

With that, you dart back out, the klaxons going off.
No. 1091568 ID: ed041d
File 171639113069.png - (16.29KB , 206x152 , Mech164.png )

The pipes are unguarded, seems the transponder trick worked, the automated security ignored you entirely for the larger target. You're on your way out, do you want to detonate the missiles now?
No. 1091570 ID: 8515a7

Let's not leave it to chance, let it blow
No. 1091580 ID: b3eab7

Blowing it now is a certainty of disabling the juggernaut... for now.
Leaving it alone is a chance of destroying it and possibly a big part of the facility.

I think we've overplayed our hand with the destruction of the transponder. Let's detonate the missiles now; it won't buy us enormous time, but it's time we're sure to buy (and definitely enough time to do our second mission of the day).
Edit: Just get to cover first, just in case we do blow up the facility.
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