Guns for Hire Amen

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Amen is an NPC in Guns for Hire, with whom Armas has had a great deal of interaction which it is important to track. Our interactions with him are listed here.

Post Link: 313010

In-Game Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Transcript: There is a stairwell leading both down to the first floor and above to Smets' display area-on the far side of a waifishly thin, ambiguously androgynous, ashen skinned, gold eyed humanoid, blood-red hair the only lively thing about an otherwise deathly visage. This would-be corpse, dressed as a butler, holds forth a silver platter on one white-gloved hand, a bevvy of wine glasses, each filled with a red far to opaque to be wine-and its eyes are locked on me.

Could be it intended to speak.

Fifteen burning wooden bullets scream out of my gun, pouring forth before I even skid to a halt. They shred and rip their way through the butler, carving out gray flesh and burning its cashmere attire in a massive sustained explosion of gore-

>[Smets' Butler]"Would you mind overmuch stopping that?"

....The butler does not sound worried-or even distressed, that its body is at least a third literally blown away. He continues to speak as bullets fly.

>[Smets' Butler]"You know, I am now required to be of service to you-I would appreciate it if you-" The AA-12 runs dry-damn I got to distracted by its nonchalant attitude. It's still holding the tray of wine glasses! >[Smets' Butler]"Thank you. Now there is something that need must be resolved-I am required to be of service to the whomsoever holds the blood of Sisuthros-that which was held in Smets' veins-and now in your possession. This necessitates me serving you-but there is a conflicting order. The butler raises an arm that is visibly completely unharmed, pointing at the stairwell behind him. >[Smets' Butler]"For as it happens, I was left with orders by Smets to follow a [i]different gentleman's orders.... my, how can this be resolved.[/i]" ...So. Someone ELSE is here-someone that Smets was dealing with-and they're on the third floor with the guns. As I finally tear the discharged amulet from my neck, careful to leave its still functioning twin in place, an empty AA-12 in hand, I wonder....

Post Link 313308

In-Game Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Transcript: "So who is the other guy, then?"

The pale-faced butler smiles, as he (she?) opens her mouth once more.
>[Smets' Butler]"Confidentiality is beyond being a prerequisite for my kind-it is a necessity, a force of nature we cannot resist."
So no names for me then... okay...
"Would you be amenable to bringing the deceased Smets' firearms to a place of my designation?"
>[Smets' Butler]"I'm afraid my last master was most demanding-and had me bound to this houses' property. I cannot leave the premises."
"Were you ordered to only follow his orders?"
>[Smets' Butler]"By 'him', you reference the other potential master, is that correct?"
>[Smets' Butler]"That is correct."
"Then I order you not to follow the other gentleman's orders-in fact, I order you to not listen to anything the other individual says."
>[Smets' Butler]"A request that can be met."
The butler's smirk tells me I missed something-yet with the clock ticking, I don't really have time to investigate.
"Well, since I'm going in there anyway... I suppose I could discuss things with the gentleman."
I grab one of the two flutes of blood and down it-the coppery taste coating the back of my throat as the viscous liquid takes up residence in my gut.
"Oh-next time I see you, I fully expect you in an orange suit."
That damnable smirk finally ghosts off the butler's face for the briefest of instants.
>[Smets' Butler]"...Orange?"
"Positively NEON, no less."
The butler bows to me.
>[Smets' Butler]"As requested."
"Oh, and tell Smet's ghouls, servants, whatever to stop attacking the people on the nearby church's roof."
>[Smets' Butler]"Between the interdiction affecting cellular devices and my restriction to the house grounds-I cannot meet your request."
...Damn, can't order it outside of it's comfort zone, either.

I march past the butler, still feeling not a whit of attention on my person-belatedly realizing that as of yet I still have not felt the butler's attention on me-despite the butler having stared at me throughout this whole conversation.

I turn back to the butler as I move to ascend the stairs.
"Oh-sorry about shooting you there."
>[Smets' Butler]"Understandable, given you are hear to take Smets' possessions by right of force. No insult was percieved."

Post Link: 313884
In-Game Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Transcript: >[Smets' Butler]"My my my... we can't have this. A contest of potential masters left inconclusive, in limbo? No, that will not do at all. I turn my eyes to the side, the ghostly quiet androgynous butler standing at my side-and in my peripherals I note the walls to now be clear, where before scores of guns hung upon them-when did they-
>GS]"Ah, there you are-go ahead and kill Mr. Laine."
The Butler, its back to Savoy, continues speaking, ignoring Savoy's spoken words.
>[Smets' Butler]"Well well well. I wondered why you drank that, not being vampiric-but I understand now. It is a most faint magical ability-hardly worthy of the name-but it could be more."
Tick tock, tick tock-how long until I hear sirens?
"..What are you suggesting?"
>[GS]"Amen, I order you to slay Armas Laine!"
>[Amen]"Why... why why-it's quite simple. Your knack's structure allows you healing's advanced speed to be based on how saturated with magic your body is from past feedings-but such a new, such a [i]fledgling ability. If you want to finish this fight-[/i]"
>[GS]"...What did you do, Armas? What did you do!!"
Amen shoves its index finger into its wrist, golden fluid welling up around the injury-strange, it did not bleed when I shot it before....
That golden blood pools in the butler's cupped hands, and it smiles at me, not a trace of kindness in its eyes.
>[Amen]"Heh... heh... heh. As I am bound to ingore the pleas of the other potential master at this juncture, to you, and you alone do I make this offer: Will the current carrier of Sisuthros' blood take my blood into him, to forcibly augment his ability? Will the current carrier accept my offer, and finish this contest so that I am no longer stuck in limb, unable to concretely serve a single master?"
Tick tock. My eyes roll as I think as fast and furiously as I can, noting Big Crazy still slumped against the wall-and beginning to move.

In the distance, I begin to hear sirens.

Post Link: 314071
In-Game Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Transcript:"Uh-couple things first: Get ready to transfer all of Smets' holdings in Turkey to my name-only under the condition you can do so in a legally acceptable, non-fraudulent manner. Rather not have it, than have it bite me in the ass."
Are the sirens a bit closer? Vapor trails rise from the golden sanguine pool in Amen as it grins at me, head inclining.
>[Amen]"Ah, ah ah.... Order heard and understood-what else do you wish to waste time requesting now?"
"Bind, hide and prevent that man against the wall there from dying-need to talk to him after this."
>[Amen]"Fine fine fine. The offer?"
"In a minute. The gun collection's hidden?"
>[Amen]"Indeed, indeed indeed... Mr. Laine, is that not so?"
...Savoy's been quiet-I don't like that, or the ever louder sirens. Have to speak faster. ..Those crazed golden eyes...
"I order you, as the current bearer of Sisuthros' blood, to disregard Smets' order to regard Savoy as you master or potential-"
>[Amen]"My my my-we discussed this, I cannot counteract given orders so simply."
"Then I order you to personally reclassify Savoy so that he is no longer eligible to be a master, potential or otherwise."
>[Amen]"Well well well... It has been done."
The sirens are perhaps a block away now. The vapor trails continue to spin about-and Savoy stays silent. ...This is it, then, I'm out of time for questions.

"..Different idea. Take off Savoy's right arm, feed me that-it has enough power for this, right?"
>[Amen]"Hm, hm hm....If you had a way to properly metabolize it's energy, yes. My own blood can serve that roll-but nothing else in this house is potent enough to serve."
>[Amen]"In twenty seconds the police will enter the front door-your choice?"
Can I say anything else?
"Do it then-Savoy's arm with your blood."

Amen leans over me, cradling my head in one arm as his other hand rises-Savoy's demonic arm already in his grasp, the Italian assassin's screams following an instant after I see the limb-Savoy rolling on the ground as the wounds all over his body spasm with writhing tendrils of black blood reaching out of his flesh, grasping at the air. I try to keep my gaze focused on Savoy-

The blinking, writhing mass of demon arm, golden blood tracing out archaic symbols over it's surface, liquefies and begins flowing down my mouth, up my nose can't even breath-

Amen's arm leaves the back of my head-and I catch myself from falling back.

...I can move again.

And I hear shouts down below-the Turkish police.

DAMN IT, Savoy is nowhere to be seen! I dimly note Big Crazy to be conspicuously missing from the wall-he was already hidden?
"Where is Savoy!?"
>[Amen]"Oh? Oh oh? Had I not sheltered your mind as thoroughly as I did, you would now be naught but a blank soul-what price is it, to see a foe flee, if you get to keep your mind? I push myself to my feet in time to hear the entry level door being broken down, dozens of booted feet thudding down the entryway, clipped voices issuing terse orders.
>[Amen]"In one hour, you will have to deal with the assimilation's price-for now, act as you will."

I hear the booted feet pounding up to the second floor-
"Can you remove all evidence that could link me to this entire event from the house?"
>[Amen]"Done... done and done. How do you wish me to greet the guests, master?"
Again that predatorial smile-
Yeah, Amen totally did not set plans in motion with this offer here, no, couldn't have.... yeah, right.

Post Link: 314259
In-Game Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Transcript: An idea occurs to me, after having witnessed Amen's abilities on the property grounds-I quickly scribble my cell phone number on the bottom of a drink coaster, flip it back right side up, and speak to the room at large.

"When the chance presents itself, claim the number I just wrote without anyone witnessing you do so, or having seen it before you claim it. Once the police are no longer investigating the house, call me for further instructions."

There is no response-yet when I glance back, the drink coaster is already gone.

I navigate the second floor with no issue, timing my steps to the more vocal speakers, and blending in with the policing crowd before any attention can settle on me-and no longer isolated, I feel that vague, presumed recognition that means I am being recognized only as a body-nothing more. I continue to fall farther and farther back, listening to Amen patiently and politely explain that their forced entry despite his presence is unlawful given the circumstances,-he continues to slyly throw out reason after reason why the police.. .should just walk away. I can feel their uncertainty on my back as I slip outside with another police officer, head tucked as I note an early response news crew already on the scene. Dozens of police cars fill the street-and I need wait only a handful of seconds to find a small group of officers entering the church-attaching myself to them, I pass by the restricted line without a single person even looking me in the face.

Within the church is death-bodies and blood strewn everywhere. I start meticulously patrolling the room, watching my feet, looking like any other officer observing the scene on response-as I think.

Post Link: 315955
In-Game Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010 - Thursday, November 25th, 2010
Transcript:With the conversation done for now-I call the contact line from Zosimus, looking to find out where the Doonongaes is-
>[Amen]"Yes, master?"
....Oh shit. Smets was my contact. ...Well. That... that makes this harder, then. Uh....
"Police still there?"
>[Amen]"There are still officers around the building, but not within it."
"...Any progress on the funds transfer?"
>{Amen]"As of yet none."
"Okay-keep me informed."
>[Amen]"You shall remain informed, master."
"...Beyond the Turkish police, are there any other individuals investigating on or near the house grounds?"
>[Amen]"Four news-crews, three individuals in suits that as of yet have not stepped close enough to the house for me to more.. deeply read them who I suspect to be involved in Turkish intelligence. They have been here since the police vacated the premises."
"Can you describe them?"

The first two descriptions are phenomenal-I imagine I could recognize either individual at a glance now-but the third one....

The third one sounded exactly like Adelat. ...Media coverage and Turkish intelligence-wonderful. ...That vacation is sounding better and better.

"...Have you yet given my name to any of the investigators you have encountered?"
>[Amen]"No." "Good-continue to withhold that information. If they ask, you can tell them whatever cover story Smets had in place for interacting with mortal authorities."
>[Amen]"It shall be as you say."
I hang up- ...

...And so goes the latter portion of my day-sparring with Shaya and Hafaz, endless bouts and matches for hours-until my phone rings, Camella ready for pickup. Right as I hang up I get another call-Amen informing me that he has twenty nine thousand dollars available for transfer as of yet, and that the house is still under heavy surveillance. I mull this over as I pick up Camella, finding her and Ping alike sweating and happily tired-before telling Camella to head home with the Right Laine herself. After being dropped off near the docks, I head to my storage unit, put in another few hours with the goblins-and push my stored hours to forty five. I jog home, along the way having no issue making sure not a single person's attention falls on me-

And happily go to sleep.

Post Link: 316381
In-Game Date: Friday, November 26th, 2010
Transcript: I consider what to do-and leave Camella to the papers as I move. Not much for it-if I call the house again, it could look suspicious to anyone that pulls the call record-so I head over to the house, and after waiting for half an hour find a chance to enter the house unobserved, careful to touch nothing. The moment I step onto the house grounds officially-a voice is heard.

>[Amen]"Hm, hm hm-The investigation still alights upon this house, oh master of mine-is it your intent to risk capture?"
"No-but I had some things to discuss with you. For one-I'm going on a trip soon, and in the interim people I have approved may be coming to meet with you. So unless something or someone offers you purposeful harm, be a courteous, non-violent host to them."
>[Amen]"Well well well-That can most certainly be done."
"Next, I want every gun of Smets' collection save the AVT-40 promised to me, and the weapons promised to the real individuals Olga and the fellow you have incapacitated all brought into the sewers without anyone noticing, to be given to the goblins living below-only give them to one that can confirm they are associated with the Sometimes Merchant."
>[Amen]"The guns of my prior master's collection save the four named will be distributed so."
"I'll need to speak with the captive-"
>[Amen]"Oh, oh oh? I shall need to rouse him-currently the captive mortal is unconscious."
"...You have been feeding him, giving him water, all of that.. right?"
>[Amen]"I was merely asked to capture and keep alive-not make comfortable."
"...Okay-well, take me where he is-"
The world blurs around me-and I'm in a concrete cellar with no doors, the man I originally knew as lock bound in barbed chains to the wall, sigils inscribed into the walls around him, his breathing labored-but even. I note Amen to be standing next to me, still dressed in the crisp orange pinstriped suit.
"Answer me this-do you know enough of modern day forensics that you can leave evidence within this house such that the next round of investigation would then have reason to believe Galileo Savoy responsible for the shootings across the street?"
As I speak, I hear the bound man groaning, starting to wake up.
>[Amen]"Of course."
"I need to talk with our friend here-please busy yourself setting that up whilst I do so, and come get me when I call for you."
Amen bows, a tidy smirk pained across that ashen face.
>[Amen]"Of course, master."
Amen vanishes without so much as a breeze or sound-...

...>[BC]"I don't like asking this, but I have to-you're going to let someone hired to kill you walk away-just like that?" "Just like that." >[BC]"...Suddenly I don't feel so bad about my living conditions the last bit. I actually had one more question, then."
"I may answer."
>[BC]"You going to try to kill Savoy?"
"Count on it."
>[BC]"Then I'd like to help you-got this thing where I really don't like betrayal-and I can't complain to Olga about being hired to help neo-Nazis, so... well, I have to lay my complaints at someone's feet."
"I am taking a brief trip-when I return, we can discuss that, if you truly mean it."
>[BC]"How would I contact you?"
"Simply speak with this house's butler-he can inform me of your desire to meet, when I return-but I warn you, Savoy is not so kindly as I am."
>[BC]"Which is why he needs to die-I get the feeling he'll see me as a loose end in need of tidying."
"Perhaps. Amen!"
>[Amen]"Yes, master?"
"Please release Big Crazy and return his belongings to him in a place where he can exit the grounds, please."
And so it is-the chains hang loose on the engraved walls.
"Now, please return to me my rifle Keihäs"
I can feel the sling hanging over my shoulder-and I still don't detect a whit of attention on me.
"Great-continue to keep the few guns I named out of the collection and the rest of my belongings hidden and safely stored until such time I ask for them-actually, if you can repair the arm to it's pristine, unmarred state that would be ideal."
>[Amen]"I can fulfill such a function-yes, yes, yes I can."
"Do you have access to contacts amongst the rest of the Zosimus dynasty?"
>[Amen]"Indeed-indeed, indeed I do, master."
"Please inform them that Savoy tricked Smets and two other parties into having a three-way altercation, with the hope of being the last one standing-imply that it seems very likely he was after your ownership."
>[Amen]"They shall be informed."
Well-between the Zosimus dynasty, the police and the mafia-Savoy has just a few collectives seeking him out now-hopefully that can keep him quite occupied.
"Last thing-when turning over the weapons to the goblins in the sewers, also provide, at my behest, whatever is left of Savoy's manhood-tell them of its source, and explain they are free to use it as they wish."
The goblins seem to hate Savoy thanks to his ancestry,maybe they could be a fourth party hounding him.
>[Amen]"Understood-and obeyed."
"Do you have means of contacting the Muburak clan?"
>[Amen]"That is likewise within my capabilities."
"Then please introduce yourself to their matron Witch, explain you are calling on my behalf, and that I would be most amenable to discussing trade, such that she gets access to your skills and abilities. If she wishes to discuss details, she can leave a direct contact number with you-or contact me herself, if she so chooses."
>[Amen]"She will be informed."
"If anyone comes looking for me, or information on me, you are not to provide it to them unless I personally clear the individual in question."
>[Amen]"Understood... understood understood."
"Oh-as you get money freed up from Smets estate, please transfer it into this account-as discreetly as possible, I wish no overt money trail to officially link me to Smets just yet." >[Amen]"Requests, requests requests-all heard, all fulfilled."
"Excellent-please relocate me to the house proper-"
I'm standing on the second floor, Amen still before me.
"Well-you have tasks set before you, and I shall leave you to them-call me if something of note occurs."
Amen merely bows-and I vacate the premises, taking twenty minutes to get away from the crime scene, not a single person spotting me.

That... didn't take very long, but a great deal was set in motion. Now... what next?

Post Link: 317045
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
...New plan: Forget trying to distance myself from emotion-this chakra's about unity, right? How can I tap something about unity if I'm trying to divorce myself from a facet of my existence-my emotions are part of me, right? Maybe the dispassionate approach can work-but it just doesn't hold water for me, and not believing in it... I assume that path to hold nothing for me. No matter how easy it is to distance myself from my emotions... I don't think that's the right way to approach this. I have to face myself-every part of myself-and pull it all together, if I want a claim at unity. I continue to breathe deeply, evenly-I catalogue my emotions, the sensation of heat on my scalp rising as my blood begins to tingle-
>[Amen]Oh-oh oh? This I did not expect-how is it you reach out to my mind? The fuck? Why can I hear Amen in my mind?
>[Amen]Because you linked our minds-was this not your intent?
I was trying to get a handle on my chakras, why did-
>[Amen]Ah. Chakra manipulation is the study of internalized energies-which, for you, includes my blood. So by focusing inward, you seem to have reached out-to me.
Not exactly what I was looking for.
>[Amen]So, so, so-what WERE you looking for?
I don't know-enlightenment, some spiritual growth?
>[Amen]You are aware that even the prodigals yogis took decades to command their chakras, correct? What leads you to the audacious thought you could achieve it in days?
A lack of options, I'm in a Russ-
>[Amen]Yes I know-you have found yourself in an interesting situation, oh master of mine.
Well? Any thoughts on what the mist is?
>[Amen]Many-and until I have more data, any I offered would be mere guesswork.
...So you need me to enter the mist, then.
>[Amen]Precisely, precisely-and precisely.

...Well, with nothing else changing in my chakras, I open my eyes, stand, exit the tent-...

...We both come to a stop some five feet from the mist's edge-and wonder what to do next.
>[Amen]I will not be able to offer my advice lest you venture in.
"Oh come on, you're still there?"
>[Amen]You have maintained the connection between us-of course I'm still here.
So how do I get you out of my head?
>[Amen]Given I have considerably more experience than you with matters supernatural, and am in a unique position to already know about this scenario and thus be exempt from the oath you just swore-should you get me out of your head? That-that, that-why, it is the question of the hour.

Post Link: 317169
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Transcript:...You can, what, see what I see?
>[Amen]Hear what you hear-even read surface thoughts, yes, yes yes. Should Master return from this, one believes they would be quite knowledgeable about the venture, and thus exempt from the oath. I reflect on the reports.... was there something I mis-huh. There was a team that lasted three hours-and one that lasted ten minutes-no real stability of vanishing point.
>[Amen]Suggestive of a roving entity within the mist.
It... would explain the time discrepancies-any other thoughts?
>[Amen]None, none none yet pertinent to this-you must enter.
There it is then.

I experimentally extend my fingertips into the fog-the moment my digits crest the disturbingly clear-cut border, I lose sight of them-the whole hand follows without anything visible, even under the noon sun. I pull my hand back, the fog refusing to cling to my limb as it exists.... hm. So there's no buffer zone?...

Any ideas yet?
>[Amen]Your suspicion of a Nevernever Gate still has merit-but thus far there is nothing to point to a specific option. More data, more, more-that is what one needs to be of service, master.
"Big, could your totems tell you anything in the mist?"
>[Big]"Couldn't even leave my body in that murk. Inside this room-yeah, they function like normal, but that mist is as good as stone to them."
"Okay-the scorch marks appeared to be on the second floor-let's go."

We keep the rope attached between us, knots accessable to each of us for instant freedom should we desire. Up and up the creaking, sagging steps-to find the second floor sporting the ten rifles presumably missing from the case below-with ten shells on the ground.

Scattered about the room are ten separate blood spatters.

>[Big]"Well that ain't good."
>[Amen]If-if if your senses were more attuned to the magical I could offer more-as it is, I can only say the stench of Fear and Despair marks the deaths that transpired here-ten in number.

>[Amen]You wonder at the extent of Blood's value-specifically pertaining to the Mortal that bound you in Bloodoath, yes? It is true-some of her blood exists within you now, in that shared bond-but it has the feel of partitioned energy. One would need to be most masterful at Blood magics to take command of her in any way through such a fragment-but it is possible.

Post Link: 317342
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Transcript: These guns, the stains, the spent shells, the sense of Despair Amon felt-it points to suicide.
Can you detect external sources attempting to manipulate my mental state?
>[Amen]Most certainly, oh master of mine.
Inform me if any are detected by you.
>[Amen]It shall be done.

Post Link: 317535
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Transcript: I slam the door shut once more, and continue speaking as I make my way around the room soaking up the bloodstains with my rifle.
"You want to, in an effort to avoid the mist, jump to a building's roof, and from there play Mario jumping around, sometimes on particularly small and rickety surfaces?"
>[Big]"What, you'd rather get back in the mist?"
>[Amen]"There is a faint magic to the mist-of that this one is now certain-but it's nature continues to confound-it does not match any known vapor-based entity, nor does it match any of the magical workings this one knows that could erase a mortal settlement. Truly, truly truly-this one finds itself genuinely intrigued by what has been found."
How helpful.

>[Amen]This one has had sufficient data gathered to make a deduction, regarding the nature of this mist.
As Amen speaks... I note his words seem to buzz within my scalp.
>[Amen]The mist has a magical effect it causes on all those who enter it-but rather than being immediate, it is slow, insidious. No, no no more comment can be made currently, beyond that the effect is mental in nature. Brief exposures should prove negligable.
Are you certain on that?
>[Amen]No-certainty cannot be reached without an answer we as of yet do not have.

Post Link: 317664
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Transcript:So it is that both of us opt to avoid the house altogether, and start working our way above the mist to the clinic-as we do I feel that sense of observation once more spread out all around me-and as it is still as maddeningly uninformative as before, I continue to ignore it, eyes glued to the clinic-it was that window there I saw movement in-but it's too dark within to see through the noon glare-and nothing disturbs the blinds this time around. Was I imagining it? As we head deeper and deeper into the heart of the strange mist covering this town, I find myself doubting it.
>[Amen]Real, real real-what you recollect was most certainly perceived, so short of illusory magic, the event in question occurred.
I didn't even feel Amen's presence returning to my mind, gotta-
>[Amen]Return? You energized my blood-from then on, this one has not left master's mind-nor, in fact, will this one barring outright order. And forgive this one their rudeness, but it is the height of arrogance to think you could so easily detect such subtle workings of power as to feel something as old as this one using their own blood as a medium. It is doubtful any save the most experienced of workers could do so-and as you barely perceive your own Chakras, this would not include you.
Fine, fine-any ideas yet on what is happening here?
>[Amen]As you surmised-the General's response was critical-the presence of many empty bottles of mortal spirits greatly disturbed him-and seems central to determining the cause. Based on this, all gathered evidence was compared against all known beings related to intoxication-but no Divine, Fae, Demonic, Angelic or Draconic entity or collective operates in a manner comparable to this-all that has happened, is more possible answers being disproven.

I had planned to ask Amen more-but my attention, along with Big's, is immediately drawn to a sound coming from the clinic, the sound of wood tearing, or brick breaking-of the most guttural, profuse snoring I have ever heard, echoing out the open doorway-

Post Link: 317844
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Transcript:And loading each with a six-shot load derived from Mammon's Device. As I do... I hear something, not with my ears, but with my mind, some-
>[Amen]I was ordered to inform you of perceived threats-the entity classified as Demonic, Mammon, is attempting to leverage subconscious greed for greater magical power to gain a foothold within master's thoughts-does master have any orders regarding this?
....Don't let Mammon do that?
>[Amen]Understood, master.
There is a sensation like a part of my brain was lightly slapped-and the whispers die out, comparative normalcy restored. ....I should probably question Amen about that-
>[Amen]Respectfully, that would be a lengthy topic-more pressing matters seem to exist.
True enough.
The Matebas rechambered with the most potent stuff I got, scopes removed to cut down weight, I sling Keihäs over my shoulder, and pass my thermobaric grenade bandoleer to Big.

I would normally say I couldn't be certain if this individual was related to the empty bottles of booze in the mansion-but the stench of alcohol clings to the prone, sleeping form more closely than their garments, and leaves me little room to be uncertain: The one sleeping before me is no stranger to liquor.
>[Amen]The one before you also has a soul.
A mortal?
>[Amen]It seems doubtful a spiritual entity powerful enough to manifest a corporeal form could obscure it's true nature that well, given the exhaustive cost of phyiscal existence-it is either a Mortal, or a being sufficiently powerful to be called a god. Probability dictates it to be a Mortal.
Well isn't that reassuring.

I raise my hand to knock on the nearby wall, and hope I can get some answers out of the boozed individual-

My hand stops cold before I make a sound. ...Amen, you said it seemed likely there was a roving entity in the mist responsible for what has been happening, rather than the mist itself causing it, correct?
>[Amen]The amount of magic detected in the mist is only enough to cause the aforementioned, unspecified mental shifts-there is no observed mechanism by which it could be responsible, in and of itself, for the disappearance of the town's inhabitants.
Is there any reason why the sleeping entity could not be that something?
>[Amen]...No, there is no reason it could not be the cause of this event, based on what has thus far been determined-but this one must note the sensory data I have on it is thus far quite sparse.

Post Link: 318039
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Transcript: ...Amen-could a Wizard have done all this? >[Amen]Yes-yes, yes, a Wizard could most certainly have caused all that has been encountered here-theirs is the skill to make their will reality, there is little a Wizard cannot do, when they put their mind to it.
Is there any reason this individual I just encountered could not be a Wizard?
>[Amen]No such reason has been observed, master.
..Well then.

So-what happens when a Wizard discovers their powers, anyway?
>[Amen]There is a transitional period as they come to believe in their powers-this period can last anywhere from a season to several years, depending on the mental state of the mortal that becomes a Wizard.

The man looks at me for a moment longer, a frown appearing on his face-
>[Amen]I detect the old one attmepting to gain access to your mind, should I allow it?
The frown appears to grow more puzzled as he once more speaks a snippet of slurred Russian.

Post Link: 318384
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Transcript: That means the things Big Crazy and I killed in the rifleshop-were civilians. ..I could stomach killing that cop-because their death served a purpose. But this.... they died for nothing. I killed them... for nothing. Not to keep myself alive, not to serve a purpose....
>[Amen]Moral quandaries may be better suited to a time when an inebriated and impatient Wizard is not before you.
...Come on Armas, head back in the game.

Post Link: 318611
In-Game Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Transcript:But I find myself more occupied with schooling my mind so that I don't betray the realized hate of the man ultimately responsible for further staining my hands. >[Amen]...Mortals, mortals, mortals-why is it you are so obsessed with ethical 'purity?' Just because only a 't' separates you from this fabricated mechanism of telling right from wrong does not mean it matters.
>[Amen]Yes this one knows-it is a topic that should not be broached-this one offers apologies.
While you're in my mind-I had some questions.
>[Amen]The police have stopped visiting the property grounds-however, a mortal woman by the name of Adelat was here earlier today-she is under the impression that you are related to what occured across the street. Naturally this one followed your orders and provided her with no meaningful information-but this one suspects that will not deter her. Beyond this one individual, the legal presence as a result of how we met seems to have died down.
Please let me at least think my question first before answering it.
>[Amen]Of course, master.
Do the Turkish police have reason to believe Savoy involved in what happened?
>[Amen]Why, why why-just so.
From here on out, please call me to ask for individual instructions when visitors come to the house-the only ones exempt from this would be ones that forcibly enter-for them, chastise them in whatever manner you deem appropriate, so long as it does not leave implicating evidence in or around the house, and does not render information to the invading party, or those associated with them.
>[Amen]To clarify-this one has permission to do as this one wishes with unlawful intruders so long as they disappear and no informational transaction takes place?
>[Amen]For that... this one must give thanks. It should help alleviate boredom.
Next, I want you to gather information on Savoy-
>[Amen]This one wishes to know how it is to gather information of any sort, unable to leave the property? Does master have phone numbers I should call for this?
>[Amen]Master is quite aware of this one's limitations-why make such a request?
So you do not have contacts?
>[Amen]Smets made a point of executing all those this one knew after claiming ownership-this one has no contacts.
Well then. How goes the financial situation?
>[Amen]Some of Smets' enemies are attempting to freeze his accounts-there may be a considerable delay before this one can extricate more funds.
I see.

I realize we have made quite some headway in driving away, and thanks to the impressive amount of speeding I've been doing, we are getting close to the P509 junction-I get ready to make a left and get the FUCK out of this Oblast.

Post Link: 318611
In-Game Date: Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
Transcript:>[MMM Trait activated]
Amen-were I to give you a number, could you call it and act as a relay, communicating to me what the contacted person says, and relay my thoughts back in my voice and tonal patterns? >[Amen]Yes yes yes-this one most certainly could.
Further, do you have the capacity to detect if someone is attempting to trace calls on the number?
>[Amen]Sadly, not within this one's purview.
"Actually Camella-why don't you give me his number, and I'll just call him now."

So-Amen, got a question for you.
>[Amen]This one is attentive, master of mine.
Will you evaluate my soul, let me know what kind of damages it has to it? Mind too.
>[Amen]Done done and.... done. There is some brain damage from synapses that were overloaded-the majority of this is from the Wizard's ministrations-he was not particularly inclined to be gentle, when he acted. Nothing of vital importance to bodily function or mental acuity seems damaged. This one notes your soul to still be notably weakened from a prior incident-and temporally misaligned, and the spiritual grafting of Divine material to your being is still incomplete-it seems to have been damaged by excessive raw Nevernever energy.
My my my-quite the busy one, aren't you master?
..Yeesh. Any signs of tampering or blank spots.
>[Amen]...Oh? Yes, yes yes-a twenty three hour period in your recent past, prior to meeting me-you have no memories of, nor did you ingest any materials prior to it that could account for this blank period. You lost a day at some point-and given I only know this through your own mind, I cannot say which day-or why.
....A missing day, a temporally misaligned soul, a delayed spiritual graft absorption, and outright brain damage.... Hell, I don't feel it.
>[Amen]That is how it works-one's soul is difficult to perceive, far more so than the souls of others-you could be nearly spiritually dead, and feel no change.
Well that's a sobering thought.

....Perhaps I should table my idea to ask for the power to create booze.
>[Amen]That would appear to be the safer approach, master.

...Would continuing to work on my Chakras help, or hurt my spiritual and mental situation?
>[Amen]Whaitiri's power within you will see to healing your mind in time-as to your spiritual state, opening Chakras only means you have accessed more of your own potential spiritual energy-and the larger a soul is, the more resilient it is to harm.
Is that a yes?
>[Amen]It is, it is it is.

I think I am going to start working on that more often then.
>[Amen]This one notes themselves familiar with the function and use of Chakras-would master wish to surrender the responsibility of opening Chakras to this one, it would free up Master's time to engage in other pursuits-a thing to think on.
Not... sure I trust you for that.
>[Amen]Trusting someone is not the same as being confident they will uphold their end of an agreement-and this one is quite incapable of reneging on any agreement made. This one only asks that master considers it.

I'm jolted out of my inner discussion when the tires scrape against the curb-I get a few dirty looks as I correct the car's position, and keep driving. In the back seat, Grigori is managing to slur chuckles as he laughs at my near-miss with pedestrians.